Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Ayurveda and the Four Aims of Life

    2. Class Prayers

    1. Tridoshic Theory and the Prakruti/Vikruti Paradigm

    1. Vata Dosha: The Principle of Movement

    2. Ayurvedic Daily Routine (Guidelines)

    3. Abhyanga Instructions

    4. Kapalabhati

    5. Anuloma Viloma

    6. Nadi Shodhana

    7. Bhramari

    8. Agni Sara

    9. Utjayi

    10. Utgeet

    1. Pitta Dosha Part 1

    2. Pitta Dosha Part 2

    3. Shitali + Shitkari

    4. Empty Bowl Meditation

    5. Empty Bowl Meditation Instructions

    6. Exerpt from Textbook of Ayurveda, Vol. 1 by Dr. Lad

    1. Kapha Dosha: The Principle of Nourishment

    1. Agni + Ama

    2. Dosha Food Guidelines

About this course

  • $250.00
  • 27 lessons
  • 13.5 hours of video content